Tell us about your racing vessel.
This race is strictly a fund raiser that is meant for fun and is a NON-SANCTIONED race.
PHRF required for all classes. If you do not have a current NC PHRF contact Henry Frazer at 252-670-8237.
I will compete in the following class: *
Sailing vessels only. Winner chosen based on spirit and attitude. See NOR for additional information about classes.
Tell us about the vessel owner.
Registration Selection
All participants must select the Registration Fee. Choices 2 - 4 are additional selections. If you have any questions about quantities or contributions, please use the contact information at the bottom of the form. The final total will appear at the bottom of the form.
2. Additional meal tickets: Get additional tickets for your crew, family and friends.
Saturday night Dinner $25 each. ($28 after Oct 10th)
A limited number of additional Meal Tickets should be available for individual meals. Check with the registration table upon arrival.
3. Sunday breakfast $5 each.
A limited number of additional Meal Tickets should be available for individual meals. Check with the registration table upon arrival.
4. Contribution to
Pamlico Coastal Activity Council,
A 501(3C) benefiting youth sailing.
Notice and Release
The actual racing is planned for Saturday, October 14, 2023. If a hurricane or other severe weather event causes complete cancellation of the event all remaining funds, after paying fixed costs, will be donated to the scholarship fund.
RELEASE: I agree to abide by all rules, regulations, and sailing instructions for this event. I voluntarily assume any and all risks of participation in the 2023 Oriental Cup Regatta. I hereby release and agree to hold harmless all sponsors, officials and employees associated with this event from any and all liabilities whatsoever including any claims which any person being a passenger or crew on my vessel may assert.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
Payment Information
Make checks payable to: Nautical Co-op of Oriental.. Note the name of the boat on the check. Checks may be dropped off at the registration desk on the day of the race or mailed to : Chris Behre, 349 Creek Place Rd, Arapahoe, NC, 28510.
For more information, check the website at orientalcupregatta.com. Or contact: Todd Cox 802-999-7572.